Please read this whole page before placing your first order!!!
If you are a new distributor, you have joined at a great time! SeneGence has just recently added a bonus to new distributors to get an extra discount when you order in your first 30 days. Instead of 40% off a 300 PV order, you will get 50% off. Please take advantage and order before your window ends!!
You can see by the following images, how important it is to make sure you are smart with your ordering. The 291PV order is actually $161 MORE EXPENSIVE then the 301 PV order, because it has a much lower discount bracket. So try and aim for that 300PV level as it will make you a much larger PROFIT!
Take for example, this graphic that shows the breakdown in Australia. Prices are very similar but not exact. You can still see how much you save by ordering 10 more pv! (i’ll update this graphic for US soon!)
-Why not take this really seriously, and order 1,000 pv?! This will get you your first Fast Start – $450 worth of FREE SKINCARE
Go to our Fast Start Section to learn more about getting $1500 in FREE SKINCARE in your first 90 days of business
– Now, since you have decided to order 1000pv, that also makes you eligible for starting your road to Significant SeneSeller (well technically you only need 750pv a month) Click here to see why Significant SeneSeller is an amazing addition to your business and how it can get you FREE SHIPPING on your orders, and FREE stock when SeneGence releases new products! WINNING!
Otherwise, you can see the breakdown of your discount in the graphic below. Your discount size depends on how much you are ordering at once. This discount is cumulative throughout the month – so if you hit a certain discount, you will continue to get that discount the entire month no matter how little you order. But, on the first of the month, this will restart!
How to Order:
Sign into your back office by going to Click on the distributor login, and use your distributor ID# and your password you created. Once you are logged in, this is what is called the “Back Office” (only seen by distributors). There are tons of great resources in your Back Office, so be sure to explore at a later time when you can! To order, click on the ORDER button and then the QUICK ORDER. You will see all of the products listed below. As you add items to your cart, you will see your PV update automatically (always be sure to order at least 300 PV!) and it will tell you also how much more PV you need to reach your next discount level. When you are ready click the Checkout button! Congrats!! Now let’s sell, sell, sell!!!